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Ramdhani Purnama Alam



Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

The biggest man-made rocket


 Saturn V rocket is the world's largest and most powerful ever built in human history. This is a rocket that allows for humans to land on the Moon. Saturn V nearly 363 feet tall building 40 stories tall


Atlas V is made in the United States rocket designed to carry heavy loads to be transported into Earth orbit. The rocket has a height of 195 feet and has a total lift of 333 298 kg mass


The first Ariane 5 flight test that failed in June 1996, with self-destruction for 37 seconds after launch because of damage to the control software, which is undoubtedly one of the most expensive computer bugs in history. The rocket has a height of 193 feet


H-IIB is a liquid-fueled rocket made in Japan that provides a launching system for the primary purpose of the launch of the H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station (ISS). It has a height of 56m

And this made the RX-420 Indonesia

Indonesia successfully test-flown rocket RX-420, Thursday, July 2 yesterday. The rocket with the distance 101 kilometers and can reach a height of 53 kilometers was the largest rocket ever tested.

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