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Ramdhani Purnama Alam



Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Praktikum 4

1. Membuat tabel oidtest

2. Membuat sequence customer_seq; setekag itu membuat tabel customer, Insert data customer dan untuk melihat hasil nya select * from customer;

3. Membuat tabel customer_id SERIAL

4. Untuk melohat hasilnya \d customer table "customer"

5. Insert customer dan select * from customer;

 6. Membuat tabel terrestrial_animal, membuat tabel aquatic_animal, insert data terrestrial_animal dan aquatic_animal dan untuk hasilnya select name from aquatic_animal UNION select name from terrestrial_animal;

7. Insert aquatic_animal dan terrestrial_animal dan untuk melihat hasilnya select name from aquatic_animal UNION select name from terrestrial_animal;

 8. Insert data friend dan untuk melihatnya select * from friend;

 9. Select * from friend ORDER BY state;

 10. Select * from friend ORDER BY age DESC;

 11. Select * from friend where age )=21 ORDER BY firstname;

 12. Select * from friend wheer age ) 0 ORDER BY age DESC;

13. Select * from friend where age <> 99 ORDER BY age DESC;

 14. Select * from friend where age is NULL ORDER BY age DESC;

 15. Insert friend dan select * from friend where city = state;

 16. Membuat tabel nulltest, Insert data nulltest dan select * from nulltest ORDER BY name;

17. Select * from nulltest where spouse = ' ';

18. Select * from nulltest where spouse is null;

19. Membuat tabel account

20. Insert data account dan select * from account;

 21. Membuat teman baru

22. Select * from friend ORDER BY firstname;

 23. Select * from friend where firstname = 'Sandy' and lastname = ' Gleason';

 24. Select * from friend where state = 'NJ' or state = 'PA' ORDER BY firstname;

25.  Select * from friend where firstname= 'Victor' and state = 'PA' or state = 'NJ' ORDER BY firstname;

26. Select * from friend where firstname = 'Victor' and state = 'PA' or state = 'NJ' ORDER BY firstname;

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